Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Time Strategies

Honestly, my schedule usually changes week-to-week. Personally, I like to get a general monthly overview of my schedule like if there are any major events that I need to plan or attend to for my sorority or any meetings that I need to go to. After that, I plan on a week-by-week basis. Usually classes that require more critical thinking I tend to prioritize and plan out more carefully throughout the week (because I get especially frustrated with those classes can only do a little bit at a time). And for my more low maintenance classes I tend to dedicate a certain time on a specific days to those because those assignments I can usually do pretty quickly and in large bulk if need be.

Some tips are that helpful to me that keep me motivated to get work done include: (1) trying to do a good chunk of my work before I eat so that there's not a chance of me maybe getting too tired after I eat to do more work and (2) trying to do most of my homework during the weekdays just because I personally get really unmotivated to do work on the weekends since my work shifts are longer on Saturday and Sunday (and because I want to relax haha).

Overall, I try to keep my schedule somewhat flexible because some classes are more difficult than others and I may have to adjust my time around depending on how much I'm struggling that week.

1 comment:

  1. That approach totally works for this class, Elena! You'll get a sense starting in Week 2 of just how the assignments work each week (and it's the same overall pattern all semester). Plus, by being ahead like this, you have no deadlines you even have to think about, so you can just do stuff for this class whenever it is convenient in your overall flow. Being aware of just what work you like to do when is the key, and the flexibility of this class should fit perfectly with your overall approach. :-)
