Sunday, March 3, 2019

Famous Last Words: Dancing Again

(Winter Mountatin: Pixabay)

This week was literally a blur. I am having a really hard time remembering what all happened in this past week. The biggest thing is that I have started dancing again. Me and a few people I know formed a group to dance at this k-pop event, so we are dancing to a few k-pop songs. I really enjoy dancing, so I do like having something to get my mind off of school and work, but it definitely has been hard because I have been facilitating practice and kind of leading everyone, which can be tiring. I also have been learning the dances on my own and teaching it to everyone else, so dancing in this event is a bit time consuming for me. Hopefully, the end product will be good, and it will make all of this work worth it.

For the assignments in this class, I really enjoyed writing my story this week. I wrote a love story between Arjuna and Urvashi, which is no where close to how the original story went. I used a different story telling method this week, and strayed away from using a lot of dialogue. Usually, I have a bunch of speaking parts in my stories, but I did not want to do that again. Instead, I focused on vivid imagery. I tried my best to use a lot of adjectives and detailed descriptions of the surroundings and the characters. I really liked how my story turned out. It is definitely different than how I usually write my stories, but I am more than satisfied with the final writing. Other than that, my week has been the same, except for the fact I have been freezing my butt off in this cold weather. I am not a fan of the cold, and I hope it goes away soon.

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