Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Reading Notes: Week 4 Ramayana Part C

(Mandodari: Wikipedia)
  • Hanuman meet Rama and Lakshmana and they exchange similar stories about Rama and Sugriva. Hanuman takes them to Sugriva to seek help in finding Sita.
  • Vali thinks Sugriva tried to take his spot in the thrown. That's why Vali took Sugriva's wife and banished him.
  • Rama helped Surgiva and killed Vali.
  • Sugriva is now king.
  • Sita became selfish with his new lavish life, and Rama grew impatient by Sugriva's lack of action. Lakshmana wen to confrom Sugriva, and then finally armies of monkeys were set out to look for Sita.
  • The raven that died trying to help Sita, Jatayu, has a brother, Sampati, that guided Hanuman to the city that Sita was held captive in.
  • Hanuman leaps over the lake and gets to Lanka. He finds Ravana's palace but cannot find Sita.
  • Hanuman finally finds Sita but she is being guarded by rakshasis.
  • Hanuman and Sita meet for the first time, but Sita thinks he is lying because she believes he is Ravana in a different form. However, Hanuman is able to gain her trust by showing her a token from Rama and offers to carry her out of the city, but she declines, insisting that she does not touch another man until she is saved by Rama. 
  • Hanuman gets caught by Ravana's son, and Ravana is advised to not kill Hanuman but to set his tail on fire.
  • Hanuman was so upset about his tail that he set Lanka on fire with his burning tail.
  • Hanuman returned to Rama and King Sugriva, and now they all are destined to go to Lanka.
  • Debate happens in Ravana's court, and war may be near.
  • Ravana's younger brother, Vibhishana, tells him to give Sita back, but this outrages Ravana. Vibhishana leaves Lanka and goes to ally with Rama.

"Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists" by Sister Nivedita 

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