Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Reading Notes: More Mahabharata Part A

(Oath Of Bhishma: Wikimedia Commons)
  • Devavrat wanted to make his father, King Shantanu, happy by convincing Satyavati's father to let her marry Shantanu.
  • In order to gain her father's trust, Devavrat made a vow to never marry or have children, thus giving up his biological seat to the throne.
  • Devavrat swore this to the gods, and the gods renamed him Bhishma - he of the terrible oath.
  • Her father then allowed Bhishma to take Satyavati to Hastinapur to marry Shantanu.
  • Shantanu feels bad for Bhishma but recognized his sacrifice, so he granted him a boon. Bhishma now could choose the moment of his death, making Bhishma into a demigod.
The Mahabharata by Epified

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