Monday, February 11, 2019

Reading Notes: Week 5 Ramayana Part B

(Rama and Sita As A Couple: Wikimedia Commons)
  • Sita, but mainly Rama, overcome Vila, and a search party is sent to find Sita. Hanuman and the search party run into Jatayu's brother, Sampati, and he tells them that Sita is in Lanka.
  • Hanuman reaches Lanka and meets Ravana's brother, Vibhishana, and Vibhishana helps guide Hanuman to Sita because he is loyal to Rama.
  • Hanuman approaches Sita and tells her Rama is coming, but he tears up the trees and gets arrested.
  • Ravana sets Hanuman tail on fire, and Hanuman grows his tail so big that he sets the whole town on fire, except for Vibhishana's house and where Sita is at. Hanuman rendezvous with Sita, and she gives him a jewel to give to Rama.
  • Hanuman returns to camp, and Ravana is preparing for war, even though everyone around him tells him to just give Sita back.
  • Rama marches to Lanka by betting a bridge built for him. 
  • Battle begins and lasts days.
  • Rama kills Ravana with the help of Indra. Hanuman brings Sita to Rama, and she has to prove her fidelity by going through a fire. She walks through unscathed, and Sita and Rama are united. Vibhishana become king of Lanka, and everyone else returns to Ayodhya.
  • Despite proving her fidelity, the people of Ayodhya still gossiped, so Rama exiled her. She stayed with Valmiki and gave birth to two twins. Rama hold a large sacrifice where many showed up to celebrate, and the twins recited the Ramayana. Valmiki then told Rama that they were his sons and says he will bring Sita to him the next day.
  • Sita meets with Rama and proves her fidelity once again by asking Mother Earth to take her if she has been faithful. A golden throne emerges from the ground, and Sita takes her place and disappears into the Earth.

The Divine Archer by F.J. Gould

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