Monday, February 18, 2019

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part B

(Kunti's Guidance To Daupadi: Wikimedia Commons)
  • Vidura, half brother of Pandu and Dhritarashtra, saved Kunti and the Pandavas from the fire, but everyone else thought they died, so they mourned.
  • The Pandavas and Kunti now have to live in the wilderness once again.
  • Bhima falls in love with a demon, but defeats her.
  • Bhima defeated a monster named Baka.
  • Drona trains the Pandavas and Kauravas.
  • Pandavas excel as Drona's students, and Duryodhana, Dhirtarashtra's eldest son, grows jealous, especially of Arjuna.
  • Ekalanvya, son of a Bhil king, tried to get trained by Drona but was rejected, so trained himself, but still said he was a pupil of Drona.
  • Pandavas and Kauravas participate in a tournament. Bhima and Duryodhana get into a mock fight that turns serious, then Arjuna stopped them, and his true skills were shown.
  • Karna then showed up to the tournament and beat Arjuna, and is befriended by Duryodhana.
  • Drona's request of payment for training the boys was to have him bring revenge to his childhood friend that treated him badly, King Drupada. Drupada and Drona "make up" and Drona gets half of Drupada's territory. 
  • Pandavas waged war against neighboring kings, and they extended the territory for Dhritarashtra.
  • Duryodhana grew jealous with the Pandavas' successes, so he convinced a wicked guard, Purochana, to kill them. Purochana assured Duryodhana that he would set fire to their palace when they went to sleep.
The Indian Heros by C.A. Kincaid

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