Sunday, February 17, 2019

Famous Last Words: The Week of Writing

This week was super crazy. Since it was Valentine's this past week, I tried my best to get my work done early, but I was still on the struggle bus on doing my assignments (haha i cri). But it is okay! I had a great Valentine's Day with my boyfriend. We went to dinner in the city, chilled, and I still managed to turn in all of my assignments. What was different about this week's homework was that I had to do a lot of writing this week, which is abnormal because I generally do a lot of math and science. I had a paper due today, and I can not even remember when the last time I had to write a 1500 word essay was, so it was definitely a change a pace to say the least.

In Indian Epics this week, I got a lot of feedback on my stories, which was awesome because I love reading people's thoughts and critiques on my stories. Also, I have never gotten such in depth feedback on anything I have written until I put up my first story on my profile! Although the feedback was long (because my story was long lol), I really enjoyed being able to receive such in depth comments. It really made me feel really good and very open in trying to further improve my portfolio.

Hopefully, this upcoming week will not be as crazy as last week. Actually, I lied. If anything, next week will probably be more crazy, since I have two of my chemical engineering exams that are on the same day. I better get to studying, huh? Wish me luck, and stay tuned next week to see how stressed out I might be this week and how my tests went! Peace out, girl scout.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elana! I will have to go visit your introduction post next, as I don't believe we have "met" before! I cannot imagine having 2 exams in one day, what a bummer! I am not even going to mention the chemical aspect of that, I am SUPER impressed! one of the only "B"'s I have received in the past 4 years was in Biology, if that tells you anything. Glad you were able to have a self-care night on Valentine's Day, and it sounds like you were able to enjoy it stress free. Awesome!
