Sunday, February 24, 2019

Famous Last Words: STRESSED

(Desk Work: Pixabay)

This week I had my kinetics and separations exam on the same day, so I was definitely stressed this past week. My kinetics exam was 3 hours long, and I definitely felt like a freshman because that was the last time I had to take 3 hour long exams. It was quite brutal. Thankfully, the week is over, so my schedule is kind of back to normal, but new week poses new academic challenges. My unit operations lab is sort of killing me, but I am in proactiveness is kicked into high gear, so I hope all goes well. Me and my boyfriend's 10-month anniversary is tomorrow, so that will definitely be a highlight of my week, and hopefully fuel me enough energy to get through the week.

This week's assignments were very interesting. The Mahabharata is super packed with a lot of scenes, so it can get kind of confusing, especially since there are so many different characters. However, the story is very amusing, so I can not wait to finish it next week. We also started giving feedback on projects, and it was so cool to see everyone's storybook. I chose to do a portfolio, so I am just revising my old stories, but it was so awesome being able to see other student's storybook! I definitely saw some very unique ideas, and I can not wait to see how they pull off their storybook. I also did a Tech Tip as one of my extra credit assignments, and I added a featured post onto my blog. Before, I just had a weather app at the bottom of my blog, but now I have the featured post to balance out some of the negative space, so I am definitely enjoying how completed my blog looks now after adding that gadget.

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